Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I have been a big slacker. Okay, that is far from the truth. I have completed my Christmas shopping, made seven aprons for the girls' teachers, put together projects for the girls' holiday parties, attending appointments and meetings, and somehow managed to get some work done. I just haven't posted here in awhile, and a lot has happened.

First, Emmi's ARD was two weeks ago. I was very pleased with the outcome, although I am a little worried at the same time. I wonder how Emmi will handle it all, but I am confident that the school is prepared to work with her should any problems arise. We discussed our current goals and her placement for next. I'll hit the basics.
  • Emmi made a huge leap from Sept of last year to Sept of this year. She was evaluated at 12-18 months last year. This year she was at 40 months! That puts her only a year behind for receptive and expressive language, and still making quick progress. At this rate, she should be caught up by next year!
  • Emmi has already met and surpassed all of the goals that were supposed to take her through the end of this year. Some of them were identify half of the alphabet (she knows all, both upper and lower case), count to ten, string together three word sentences (currently she uses five +), use he/she correctly, etc.
  • Articulation continues to be her weakest point. I mean, she speaks in five word sentences, you just can't understand them all! The palate study next week will give us more insight as to how to proceed with that.
  • Emmi will be placed in a mainstream Kindergarten. The other students from her deaf ed class will be in her class, and there will be an interpreter/aid in class with them.
  • To help Emmi transition to Kinder, Emmi will begin attending large group (PE, Art, Music) and Centers with the current Kindergartners beginning this January. She will be with her future teacher, who currently has two boys (one of whom I am convinced Emmi is going to marry. She talks about him daily.) from Emmi's class last year.
  • Emmi will receive private therapy nearly five days a week every week from 30 minutes a day! This is amazing after hearing what other people get. Emmi sees two different therapist. One will pull her one to two times per week, the other will get her three times a week. This is what she currently gets, but I didn't expect them to maintain that. It will come out of her PE time, which was recommended since PE is a problem for Emmi.
  • Oh, and PE is a problem for Emmi. The PE teacher was concerned with how often she falls. I laughed. Probably not the response she expected. Actually, everyone laughed, except her. That is just Emmi. Poor thing can't walk in a straight line to save her life, and she falls every three steps.

I think pretty much sums that up.

Now for the meeting with Med-El. I am not even sure I am ready to post about, because I am so mad. Basically, nothing is resolved. More problems have been created. I have no answers, and I can't seem to get any. I am beyond frustrated. They want us to continue to try to solve the problem through programming. What? The problem is that the stupid thing has migrated out of the cochlea! How is mapping going to solve that? Yes, we can placate her and make her more comfortable, but that isn't going to fix the problem. I guess we will continue to do our hoop-jumping circus act for awhile.


Linda P. said...

Your choice to move with Emmi--and Jill, of course--to Houston to put Emmi right back into your old school district was obviously a great choice! I'm so sorry about the results of the meeting at Texas Children's last week. I was amazed at what they were saying, too, not quite sure I was even understanding the outcome since it was so different than what I expected.

Kristina said...

Congrats on the school! It's nice to hear positive school placements and allows you to focus on other advocacy things for Emmi (like interacting with Med El).

I hope you have a lovely holiday!

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

Hi there,

I found my way over here some time back from zaks blog. I think your blog is quite funny and I enjoy your posts. Oneday I noticed your sidebar and started reading about your daughters cochlear implants. My wife works for a newspaper and she is the medical reporter. I told her right then she had to read about your daughters story. My wife has followed a lot of the new developements that have continued to happened over the past couple of years. I wish you and your family good health and a wonderful Christmas. I hope you find all the answers to all the questions you have going on right now.
<:) beaux kyle

Anonymous said...

I just want to kick Med El's ass on your behalf, though I'm certain you've got the verbal bitch slapping that they need all geared up and ready to roll out. So sorry to hear about Emmi needing 2 more surgeries. Poor kiddo! But at least all the school stuff is looking spectacular, that jump from 18 m. to 40 mo. in one year is amazing. Not only is she working hard, but the team around her must be doing a great job too, you included. Way to go you guys.

Hope you have happy new year!